Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Study Skills Catch-up!

Dear Students,

If you scroll down, you will find the answer keys to packets #5 and #6, as well as to #7. I realized that I never put these answer keys up, but since there will be study skills questions on the final in January, you definitely want to correct your work!

Please correct packets #5 and #6 and turn them in to me by Monday, December 6.

Thank you!

Dr. Fleming

Study Skills Packet #7: Answer Key

Dear Students,

Here is the answer key to study skills packet #7:


Be sure to use a red pen to receive full credit!

Have a lovely day,

Dr. Fleming

Study Skills Packet #6: Answer Key

Dear Students,

Here is the answer key to study skills packet #6:


Be sure to use a red pen in order to receive full credit!

Have a great day,

Dr. Fleming

Study Skills Packet #5: Answer Key

Dear Students,

Here is the answer key to study skills packet #5:


Be sure to use a red pen for corrections in order to receive full credit!

Have a great day,

Dr. Fleming

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Of Mice and Men PPT research project

Here are the topics for the research project:

  1. Life of John Steinbeck

  2. African Americans and women during the 1930's

  3. Mercy Killing

  4. Mental Disabilities

  5. The Migrant Experience in the United States

  6. The Great Depression

  7. The Dust Bowl

  8. The Pulitzer Prize

  9. Geography, History, and Agriculture of the Salinas River Valley in California

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Common Proofreading Symbols

Here is a link to the proofreading symbols used to edit your AIN.

Bookmark this link! I expect you to pay attention to the proofreading marks, as well as all of the other marks in the paper, and make ALL the changes indicated.

This will be the only way to improve the grade on your AIN.

Learning Styles

Take the following learning styles quiz, and when you get your results, copy/paste the link into an email and send it to hfleming@pleasanton.k12.ca.us.

Make sure to enter your name in the field where it says "Full Name" - your results will not be stored anywhere, but if you do not put your name, I will not be able to give you credit!